Saturday, July 19, 2014

Blame God

One of God's jobs is to take the blame when something bad happens and a loved one dies.  It is very difficult to be angry the rest of your life with a dead person you love.  It is easier to blame God.  A child dies in a car accident.  Two other people were in the car who wore their seat belts.  They had minor bruises.  Your child did not.  Your child died.  You simply cannot go through the rest of your life being angry with your child for not wearing the seat belt.  Being angry with God is the short term solution.  The long term issue is that when we die, we will see God, who we have dropped due to some painful event in our lives.  We will also see all our loved ones…in God's embrace.  God loves.  God does not make car accidents, or job losses, or cancer.  Maybe I am a polyanna about the afterlife, but this is how I see it for me.  We can drop God, but that does not make God go away.


  1. When God comes to You, do you feel him ? If so what does he feel like to you.

  2. I feel still, quiet, at Peace with no distractions. This is more the contemplative moment. I cannot make it happen, but I can dispose myself, wait.
