Thursday, July 10, 2014


Often, our call for justice is just another name for selfishness.   You are asked to do something and you say, "Why me?"  You think you are doing more than others and they are not carrying their load.  You may be right, but you just turned down a chance to practice selflessness, kindness and maybe thankfulness to the person asking for your help.  Jesus says justice is about us doing something for another person or group.  On the spiritual journey to maturity, justice is not about you getting something more or doing less.  Little children whine about having to do more than their siblings.  They are kids and have not learned "to take up your cross."  In an older person it is embarrassing.  


  1. "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy will..."

  2. I get your point, it is easy to become overly concerned with fairness. However, over indulging someone and not holding them accountable is not love - it's destructive, it's evil. Sometimes we need to listen to the whiners - they may have a point.

  3. I agree with comment no. 2. What are they asking help? Is this continuous life story. Why do they ask you! Are they only takers. If I recognize then my best help is to ignore them.
