Tuesday, November 18, 2014


A cure for fear is honesty.  I am an example of this.  I can keep things to myself and show you a together person who you will think spiritually advanced.  But inside I might be acting from fear.  Here is an example.  I was going to go for a week from here to another town where I also work.  There were good and presentable reasons to do this.  But there was an underlying energy, and that was fear.  Of what?  Fear that I would lose popularity or importance or favorable image if I stayed away too long, or missed some event.  Yes, it is pathetic, I know.  But it is honest, and I feel relieved to admit it, and not to let fear drive my decisions.  So why tell you since no one can be as spiritually inept as me?  Well, maybe there are one or two people out there for whom a light will go on as to their own motivations.  Maybe someone who afraid to admit fear, will no longer feel like the only loser in the world.  We are not losers.  We are human.  Let us laugh at ourselves rather than be in all this pain.  This is how honesty is a cure for fear, at least for me.  Oh!  The people who I am afraid will forget me?  I doubt they are even thinking about me.  Oops!  Be still you silly ego.


  1. Your blog was turned off so nobody could comment.

  2. the fear of abandonment is normal, especially for the youngest in a family. Everyone has it but, most don't address it.
