Friday, November 14, 2014

Women and Church Power

It seems that a saint named Charles Borremeo was made a cardinal of a big diocese in Italy some centuries ago.  So what, you ask?  Well, he had not been ordained.  He was a lay person.  There was a time that someone could be in charge of a big diocese without being ordained.  He was the administrator, that is, the boss.  If it happened then, why not now, and why not a woman?  That a cardinal needs to be ordained is just a rule.  It did not come from Jesus.  Rules can be changed.  They are not dogma.  What is harder to change is attitudes and fears about women on the part of men in power.  I guess some things never change!


  1. We are a pretty liberal lot. You will find most Religious Orders to be so.

  2. Replies
    1. Because we are smart, open, go to real universities are secure in ourselves and won' ordain guys who have to feel they are better than the laity and have all the answers.

  3. Thank God for the gift of Paulists and Franciscans!
