Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Laughing To Bond

There is an ice rink in Boulder, Colorado.  I will be there in a few days.  I think that the whole staff at my parish ought to go ice skate together as a bonding experience.  We cannot get into a boat and row.  It is too cold.  We could all skate badly together, help one another to not fall, or pick one another up and laugh with each other.  Then we go for hot chocolate at the nearby coffee shop.  Work and prayer are things the staff already does.  But ice skating and hot chocolate afterwards, that is the ticket to becoming one, a team!  Of course, serious injury is possible, but let's not go there.  Do my blog readers have any bonding ideas for this season?


  1. Ice skating and hot chocolate sounds like great bonding! It's also been good weather for walking and stargazing. But ice skating sounds like more fun.

  2. I hope you don't think that this is wrong to bring this up. Warm up with the DALI LAMA'S personality test. you can goggle it.

  3. Cooking is also fun when done as a group - with a shared goal - a great meal.
