Monday, March 9, 2015

Retirement Benefits

My Catholic church does a lot about telling others how to live their lives, especially in sex issues, but when it comes to justice among their own, we may not be very good examples.  We have a lot of priests who could retire in a few years, very few years.  There is supposed to be a pension fund for them.  Is the money there?  A survey says, maybe not, or rather, these funds are seriously underfunded.  I guess that we will see.


  1. This world is seldom what it is "supposed to be". God will provide. I have found it so.

  2. How much of your pension dollars are paying for the lawyers and the settlements of the sex abuse cases?

  3. Some diocese do not care at all for their retired priests other than a modest pension. Some do. Albany leaves it up to the priest to find a place. In Trenton we tried to create an extra fund, it was disallowed.
