Friday, July 31, 2015

Bad Catholic

In my church, today is the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola.  He founded the Jesuits.  I went to Fordham, a Jesuit college.  In spite of everyone's best efforts, I became a bad Catholic.  When I was little I knew my Latin, and catechism answers, was a good altar boy, but I guess I had leanings toward perdition.  I got to like all the people who were on that road to perdition: loose women, Protestants, Jews, and sundry non-baptized persons of whatever or no spiritual path, alcoholics, and homosexuals. I was taught that only good Catholics with the catechism answers got to heaven.  My sister Maureen said I was meant to burn, and it looked like she was right.  God had other plans.  I did not just turn around and be good.  Would that it were so.  God just never let go despite my best efforts to return to being bad.  I think love overcomes all.  "Where sin abounds, love abounds more."  That is in the bible.  One of my discoveries was that none of my old friends were on the road to perdition.  There was goodness in us all.  This is why I am very reluctant to put anyone down, or say someone is less than, or going to hell, or God does not like them.  God has a plan for all of us.  We may be all different in some ways but we are all made in the same image and likeness of the One God.  I hope heaven is not like a gated community where everyone seems the same.


  1. Do you mean Ignatius of Assissi?

  2. Isn't this the reason for so much of our suffering? There is God within all manner of sinners and those who do not know Him. We often learn about God's mercy by the magnitude of our offenses. And how beautiful to witness God within the lives of the broken, like me.

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