Sunday, August 30, 2015

We Stink

My sister Maureen used to say to me that when I had something that I did not earn, and then did not appreciate it, "You Stink!"  I did not literally smell, but I was practicing bad behavior that showed non-appreciation of the "gift."  Toys were a gift, but I did not take care of them, or appreciate what I had.  "You Stink," was Maureen's way of cursing.  She is the only good Catholic I know who I believe is in purgatory.  But I digress.  In the Bible there is a story, a parable Jesus tells, where a fellow is invited to a wedding.  He was a fellow hanging around on the streets, not bathed, and never invited to any wedding.  He now gets a chance for a great meal to fill his empty belly.  Everyone invited had to be rid of their smelly street clothes and put on a clean wedding garment.  Everyone else did.  This fellow could not be bothered.  The King greeted him as "friend."  This guy never had it so good, but he could not give any answer as to why he did not do this simple thing that all the others did.  Put on a clean wedding garment.  He stinks.  So he got thrown out into the streets bound hand and foot in the dark.  His life is going downhill.  Being thoughtless, self-imploded or unappreciative is likely to do that.

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