Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Life In Ruins

I met a woman recently who said, "My life is in ruins!"  Turns out she had expectations about her job that had not gone as she expected.  She had gone from anger to resentment to near despair.  Kind of the jumping off point.  So I asked her what she did before she had this job.  "Oh, I was unemployed." I asked how that had happened.  "I was on drugs and drank a lot.  I could not hold a job."  "How is your health now?" I asked.  "Oh, I am back to exercise and some yoga meditation," she said.  Hmm.  "Do you have friends, People who know and care about you?" I asked.  Affirmative.  So I listed for her all the things that she now had in her so called ruined life, that before she did not have: Health, spirituality, supportive friends, employability and job.  She relaxed.  I am not a genius, but I can at times help others to see the pluses in their life, that they take for granted, or forget how hard they worked to get there.  Now, I need to do that for myself.  Physician, heal thyself!

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